Andratx municipio

Andratx, among the most popular search queries of the summer on Google

The municipality of Andratx was one of the most searched on Google during the months of July and August. This is reflected in the data obtained from Google Trends, the company’s own tool that shows search trends among users. Analyzing the data from the Balearic Islands, a 700% increase in searches for Andratx in the strongest months of the summer is striking.

Andratx is thus situated above other areas of the island such as Cala Agulla, Illetes, Sa Coma or Cala Ratjada. The municipality has recovered this summer a large part of the visitors it registered before the pandemic, thus improving the situation compared to 2020.

Within the municipal term, several of the queries were about the town itself, but especially about Port d’Andratx, the town hall, weather forecasts, sports teams, accommodation such as the Zafiro Palace hotel and other searches such as those related to restaurants. In Can Pep, our restaurant located on the seafront of Port d’Andratx, we have noticed this summer the increase in visitors and our stoves are still working to continue offering the best of Mediterranean cuisine in a natural port as beautiful as it is. that of Andratx.

We hope to whet an appetite with our kitchen to all Internet users who are looking for the best that Andratx has to offer and visit the municipality: its beaches, sunsets, the market, the lighthouses or the incredible island of Sa Dragonera. Bon profit!